Multimedia Project Proposal

  1. Introduction

The topic I have chosen for this project is to cover the story of All Around GamerZ VR Lounge & Arcade, a local virtual reality arcade that opened recently. It will cover the origins of the arcade, starting with the founder’s vision when he first started the business, to the state of the business present-day and his thoughts on what it is like to be a pioneer in the world of arcades. 

  1. Rationale

I believe this topic is important due to the fact that VR arcades are a new front in arcade entertainment, and would both pique the interests of younger audiences who may want to spend time there, as well as parents who may want to organize an event for their children at the arcade. In addition, having grown up spending time at arcades, I believe many younger people will share my interest in the evolution of arcade entertainment since VR technology did not exist when I was younger. 

  1. Core angles/questions about the topic

Some key points I am interested in exploring are:

  • At what point did you realize that a VR arcade was a real, sustainable business idea?
  • What are some challenges your business faces that are unique in a VR arcade?
  • It’s clear that virtual reality has revolutionized the arcade experience. But what are some new ways VR arcades can further evolve and survive an ever changing market?
  • Think back on your childhood and what spending time at the arcade with your friends was like. Do you feel as though VR has changed the core experience substantially? What are some elements you think the change to VR might lack that your traditional arcade might excel in?

Having talked to an employee about the business, the arcade has an extensive history going back to when the founder was in highschool. Thus, I would like to focus the story on the history of the arcade, and highlight the evolution and contrast between the arcades of the past and the advent of virtual reality. 

  1. Media Outline
  1. Informative Text story w/ photos: This would be the main backbone of the story told. Introductions, context, interview highlights, and more, telling the story and history that spans decades. Photos would be of the business’ exterior and interior, equipment, game screenshots, personal memorabilia, and of traditional arcades. I believe it suits this type of media due to the versatility of text and photos.
  1. Audio Interviews: The interview with the founder, further delving into the details of the history of the business, and related topics. This suits an audio clip better due to the fact that listening to the whole interview is a bigger commitment than reading text and seeing photos for most. Thus, readers are given the option to delve deeper into the topic by listening, and the main text would still contain highlights for those who choose not to.
  1. Editorial Slideshow: A deeper exploration of photos regarding the business and its origins. More photos of interiors, showcasing employees, equipment, and customers to provide better context for those not yet familiar with VR arcades. Photos will be given short descriptions, further immersing readers into the story.
  1. Investigative video: Short clips of people using machines, satisfied customers sharing their thoughts, as well as employees telling their opinions on the arcade. Perhaps footage of me using the machines for myself and sharing my thoughts in an entertaining fashion.